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 Did anyone announce resigning from The Vines?

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2 posters


Posts : 59
Join date : 2011-10-25
Location : U.S.A.

Did anyone announce resigning from The Vines? Empty
PostSubject: Did anyone announce resigning from The Vines?   Did anyone announce resigning from The Vines? I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2012 8:43 am

Just wondering if anyone in the group actually announced a resignation? If not does that mean they were tossed? I'm assuming at this point it's 3 out of 4 members of the group. Craig is the only member left right?
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Posts : 1189
Join date : 2011-10-24
Age : 31
Location : Berlin

Did anyone announce resigning from The Vines? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did anyone announce resigning from The Vines?   Did anyone announce resigning from The Vines? I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 05, 2012 2:28 pm

It doesn't seem so, no. Not yet, anyway. Neutral I really have no idea what it means. I suppose any one's guess is as good as any one else's. But yeah, it seems Craig is the only one left in the band.

I wish I could give you a more informative answer, sorry!
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Did anyone announce resigning from The Vines?
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