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 Patricks other-OTHER band

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Location : San FranBrisco

Patricks other-OTHER band Empty
PostSubject: Patricks other-OTHER band   Patricks other-OTHER band I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2012 10:25 am

Not Youth Group or his other new one.....
The Jewel and the Falcon, did you guys ever check them out? It was a shoe gazey sounding band with Sarah Kelly from theredsunband ( <3 )
I think they did one little tour and a EP then nothing Sad
it sucks as i thought they were awesome.
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Location : Brasil

Patricks other-OTHER band Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patricks other-OTHER band   Patricks other-OTHER band I_icon_minitimeFri May 11, 2012 2:47 am

stormboy wrote:
Not Youth Group or his other new one.....
The Jewel and the Falcon, did you guys ever check them out? It was a shoe gazey sounding band with Sarah Kelly from theredsunband ( <3 )
I think they did one little tour and a EP then nothing Sad
it sucks as i thought they were awesome.

oh finally someone who loves theredsunband too. these girls are amazing, ive contacted to Sarah by e-mail and we used to talk every week. She sent me their 2 albums and a xmas card, which was amazing. Also, I posted all of their songs in my youtube account, just let me know if someone else want thiis! =)
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Location : San FranBrisco

Patricks other-OTHER band Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patricks other-OTHER band   Patricks other-OTHER band I_icon_minitimeFri May 11, 2012 9:57 am

luuana wrote:
stormboy wrote:
Not Youth Group or his other new one.....
The Jewel and the Falcon, did you guys ever check them out? It was a shoe gazey sounding band with Sarah Kelly from theredsunband ( <3 )
I think they did one little tour and a EP then nothing Sad
it sucks as i thought they were awesome.

oh finally someone who loves theredsunband too. these girls are amazing, ive contacted to Sarah by e-mail and we used to talk every week. She sent me their 2 albums and a xmas card, which was amazing. Also, I posted all of their songs in my youtube account, just let me know if someone else want thiis! =)

whhaattt?! thats really cool. do you know if they have been doing anything musically lately?? They are so amazing! whats your youtube link?
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Posts : 37
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Location : Brasil

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PostSubject: Re: Patricks other-OTHER band   Patricks other-OTHER band I_icon_minitimeFri May 11, 2012 9:58 am

stormboy wrote:
luuana wrote:
stormboy wrote:
Not Youth Group or his other new one.....
The Jewel and the Falcon, did you guys ever check them out? It was a shoe gazey sounding band with Sarah Kelly from theredsunband ( <3 )
I think they did one little tour and a EP then nothing Sad
it sucks as i thought they were awesome.

oh finally someone who loves theredsunband too. these girls are amazing, ive contacted to Sarah by e-mail and we used to talk every week. She sent me their 2 albums and a xmas card, which was amazing. Also, I posted all of their songs in my youtube account, just let me know if someone else want thiis! =)

whhaattt?! thats really cool. do you know if they have been doing anything musically lately?? They are so amazing! whats your youtube link?

Well, I cant remember the last time I talked to her. I think it was before The Shiralee was realeased... We're still talking about these songs.
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Posts : 39
Join date : 2011-10-24
Location : San FranBrisco

Patricks other-OTHER band Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patricks other-OTHER band   Patricks other-OTHER band I_icon_minitimeFri May 11, 2012 10:08 am

luuana wrote:
stormboy wrote:
luuana wrote:
stormboy wrote:
Not Youth Group or his other new one.....
The Jewel and the Falcon, did you guys ever check them out? It was a shoe gazey sounding band with Sarah Kelly from theredsunband ( <3 )
I think they did one little tour and a EP then nothing Sad
it sucks as i thought they were awesome.

oh finally someone who loves theredsunband too. these girls are amazing, ive contacted to Sarah by e-mail and we used to talk every week. She sent me their 2 albums and a xmas card, which was amazing. Also, I posted all of their songs in my youtube account, just let me know if someone else want thiis! =)

whhaattt?! thats really cool. do you know if they have been doing anything musically lately?? They are so amazing! whats your youtube link?

Well, I cant remember the last time I talked to her. I think it was before The Shiralee was realeased... We're still talking about these songs.

rad. if you want any of the songs off their Like An Arrow EP let me know!
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Posts : 37
Join date : 2011-10-24
Location : Brasil

Patricks other-OTHER band Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patricks other-OTHER band   Patricks other-OTHER band I_icon_minitimeFri May 11, 2012 10:10 am

stormboy wrote:
luuana wrote:
stormboy wrote:
luuana wrote:
stormboy wrote:
Not Youth Group or his other new one.....
The Jewel and the Falcon, did you guys ever check them out? It was a shoe gazey sounding band with Sarah Kelly from theredsunband ( <3 )
I think they did one little tour and a EP then nothing Sad
it sucks as i thought they were awesome.

oh finally someone who loves theredsunband too. these girls are amazing, ive contacted to Sarah by e-mail and we used to talk every week. She sent me their 2 albums and a xmas card, which was amazing. Also, I posted all of their songs in my youtube account, just let me know if someone else want thiis! =)

whhaattt?! thats really cool. do you know if they have been doing anything musically lately?? They are so amazing! whats your youtube link?

Well, I cant remember the last time I talked to her. I think it was before The Shiralee was realeased... We're still talking about these songs.

rad. if you want any of the songs off their Like An Arrow EP let me know!

Ohh thank you bb, but I got them all! =) nice to know another redsunbands fan!
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Posts : 37
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Location : Brasil

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PostSubject: Re: Patricks other-OTHER band   Patricks other-OTHER band I_icon_minitimeFri May 11, 2012 10:22 am

this ep is amazing, btw. intense. haunting. Echoes is a masterpiece.
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PostSubject: Re: Patricks other-OTHER band   Patricks other-OTHER band I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2012 5:44 am

Youth Group are supposed to get together and do one more album, but at the moment Patrick is in Community Radio with Cameron from YG. He left Betty Airs before they disbanded.
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Join date : 2012-07-30
Age : 29
Location : Argentina. Santa Fe

Patricks other-OTHER band Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patricks other-OTHER band   Patricks other-OTHER band I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2012 7:45 am

pattrick is really a great musician
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PostSubject: Re: Patricks other-OTHER band   Patricks other-OTHER band I_icon_minitime

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