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 has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!

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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 09, 2012 2:14 am

Looking forward to seeing The Brian Jonestown Massacre when they come to Australia in May! Is anyone else going?
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 09, 2012 3:41 am

Wow, have fun! Very Happy
I would love to see them live one day. Smile
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 09, 2012 5:48 am

ME TOO!!!!!

It was one of the greatest moments of my life when they announced the tour. The fact that they're supported by The Raveonettes (another band that I fucking love) is just too amazing. I seriously cannot wait.

Last time they were here, I had tickets to see them on two separate nights. My parents didn't let me go to either. FINALLY, I'M GOING TO SEE THEM!!!
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 10, 2012 12:56 am

Anton Newcombe! Very Happy I haven't listened to the Raveonette's before but I've seen photos and by looking at them it seems the female singer is trying to be a modern day Nico and the male singer, Lou Reed. On that principle I haven't listened to them which I know is based on my selective perception of them. Having said that at least they have the decency to cite The Velvet Underground as an influence. Some bands act like everything they have come up with (musically/style) is original when in reality it's all been done before or has been influenced by someone.
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 10, 2012 4:48 pm

The Raveonettes make really nice shoegazey pop. I wouldn't necessarily compare their sound to The Velvet Underground, but I can understand the need to compare them.

Here are some good tracks to start with:
Dead Sound
Love In A Trashcan

Anysound, did you know Leah from BRMC used to be in The Raveonettes?? That's how they first met her, because they toured with them.
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2012 4:01 am

thanks for the links, i will give them a listen Smile
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2012 6:01 am

Howl wrote:
Anysound, did you know Leah from BRMC used to be in The Raveonettes?? That's how they first met her, because they toured with them.

Wow, nope! But I do now! Thanks! Very Happy
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 6:50 am

Hey, Jane20. Not sure if you've seen them yet, but word of warning, if you're seeing them at a large venue with a big stage, make sure you stand as close to the left side of the room as you can (or stage right, if you prefer). Anton seems to be hiding himself away in that corner, and if you're standing anywhere else, he's hidden by smoke, amps of Matt Hollywood. haha

Regardless, seeing them live was probably the greatest experience of my life. I am so jealous that people in Sydney get two shows.
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 12:54 pm

I see them Thursday! Thanks for the advice, how was the set list?
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeFri May 25, 2012 8:37 am

Howl, I saw them last night and they were amazing! Anton and the rest of the band seemed pretty comfortable on stage and in their element. It was great to see them up there- they all have there own unique presence and it's lovely to see. You will probably be happy to know last night changed my opinion of The Raveonettes- they were good, their music has this simplicity to it which makes it really easy to get into and their strong sharp sounds keep the beats interesting.
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 13, 2012 8:59 pm

Apologies for the slow reply, but yay! They really did look incredibly comfortable and content on stage (much to the dismay of a portion of the crowd, who were hopefully expecting an on stage brawl). Since I saw them, I've been describing the few minutes during which they were performing Anemone to be the greatest moments of my life. I have never felt so simultaneously fulfilled and optimistic. Such a fantastic bunch of musicians. Gosh, Anton is special.
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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!   has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE! I_icon_minitime

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has anyone seen or is going to see THE BRIAN JONESTOWN MASSACRE!
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