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PostSubject: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 15, 2012 9:11 am

I'm thinking of doing a Vines fan art project. As in, we all make fan art, send to my address and then/or send it off to Craig. Who's with me?

The Vines Art Project Tumblr_lkqrb1DSbk1qgmzhho1_500

The Plan (As of 2/06/2012):
  • I will send everyone my postal address via PM/Facebook/e-mail so that everyone can send all their mail to one place to my postal address as long as it's no bigger than A4 in size and must be ready and sent off by the end of July.
  • What you can send in: Fan art, art you've made, photographs, birthday cards, craft stuff, letters, poetry, mix tapes, demo cds of the band that you're in, DVDs of your recorded message, jewellery etc
  • What NOT to send in: Death threats, letter bombs, letters written in blood, fan-fiction, slash fiction, fetish art, porn, a lock of your hair, a request for Craig to send you a lock of his hair, anything creepy or borderline stalker-ish in general.
  • Remember to write your return address on the back of your mail just in case it's gets lost.
  • All the mail shall be collected and placed into an A4 ring-bound folder/A3 hardbound sketchbook ready to be sent off by late-August 2012. so you must send off your mail by the end of July/mid-August.
  • A cover letter shall be typed and placed on the front page from all of us on the forum
  • Send the parcel off to Parker and Mr French management, wrapped in green wrapping paper, tied with a green ribbon and a note that says 'Do not open until August 31' for Craig's birthday.

If you're wish to send something more larger or extravagant or you ran out of time and for future mail/projects it's okay to send a separate parcel because it will be going to this address anyway:

The Vines
c/o Parker and Mr French
8A Ground FL Marlborough St
Surry Hills NSW 2010

Forum members participating in this project and what they'll be sending (so far):

  • Kitty: Photographs, letter, artwork
  • Howl: Poetry
  • Highly Evolved: unsure yet, album booklet for signing
  • Maria Jose: Received
  • maleaballay: work, letters, CD Received
  • stormboy: unsure yet
  • Treestar: letter perhaps
  • Lydier: letters and drawings Received
  • Eozeoz: Illustrations
  • luanna: Unsure yet
  • Livbeke: Art journal/collage Received
  • Thinkhappythoughts67: letter and a drawing of some sort Received
  • Anysound: Unsure yet
  • Bekkkka: a sappy, pathetic letter and DVD Received
  • MaryJane86: a poem or something Received
  • Ally Nicholls: Letters Sent off separately
  • ChristineKey: birthday stuff Sent off separately
  • CandyFlippinGirl: birthday package Received
  • matypeluka: CD Sent off separately

Also some people from Tumblr are going to contribute as well:
  • tattoomyhead: Unsure yet
  • gemma: lee-Unsure yet
  • joel-abz: Unsure yet
  • jackulin: Fanarts and shit

Last edited by Kitty on Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:45 am; edited 28 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 15, 2012 6:04 pm

I could write him a really try-hard poem that attempts to articulate how 1969 or Amnesia make me feel.

...or I could just send one of the countless pathetic poems I've already written on that subject.

How does Craig typically respond to this sort of stuff? I imagine he'd be one of the few musicians who would really, genuinely appreciate that kind of thing.
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 6:28 am

Sounds like an awesome idea. Very Happy But, wasn't something like this going to happen before...? Neutral
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 12:29 pm

Anysound wrote:
Sounds like an awesome idea. Very Happy But, wasn't something like this going to happen before...? Neutral

Malena was going to send her artwork to Craig but I don't how that is going and I left this whole art project into the open or something like that.

There was Operation Vines back in 2005 on the old forum lead Allie. This will give us ideas for it.

I'm going to send an email to Parker & Mr French about it and I hope they reply back.
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 12:30 pm

This is an awesome idea, count me in on this Very Happy
I'm not sure what I'll do yet, but I'll think of something!
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 12:39 pm

I thought about us members sending their works (artwork, poetry, letters etc) to my home address (that I'll privately send out through Private Messaging on Facebook). I would collect and compile the artworks to be sent off to Craig, just in time for his birthday in August, which seems like a reasonable amount of time (can also include birthday cards and handmade gifts). I would also expand it out to my Tumblr blog as well.
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 1:18 pm

do you think we'd be able to send an album booklet for him to sign? and just put your address somewhere so he can send it back or something???
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 1:49 pm

HighlyEvolved wrote:
do you think we'd be able to send an album booklet for him to sign? and just put your address somewhere so he can send it back or something???

I've just sent an e-mail ( to their management about sending mail to The Vines so we'll have to wait for a reply back.
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 3:10 pm

I just received an e-mail from them and they said Craig is currently in the UK and so we'll have to wait until he comes back.
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 3:14 pm

Did they say when he'll be back???
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 3:39 pm

HighlyEvolved wrote:
Did they say when he'll be back???

Not specifically, but they'll send me an email when we he returns and we will be able to send him fanmail with a given address. So I guess the project will be on hold then.
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Maria Jose

Maria Jose

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The Vines Art Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 3:43 am

Kitty wrote:
I thought about us members sending their works (artwork, poetry, letters etc) to my home address (that I'll privately send out through Private Messaging on Facebook). I would collect and compile the artworks to be sent off to Craig, just in time for his birthday in August, which seems like a reasonable amount of time (can also include birthday cards and handmade gifts). I would also expand it out to my Tumblr blog as well.
i would love to do this,but how much time do we have to do it? Woot
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The Vines Art Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 4:27 am

Kitty wrote:
Anysound wrote:
Sounds like an awesome idea. Very Happy But, wasn't something like this going to happen before...? Neutral

Malena was going to send her artwork to Craig but I don't how that is going and I left this whole art project into the open or something like that.

There was Operation Vines back in 2005 on the old forum lead Allie. This will give us ideas for it.

I'm going to send an email to Parker & Mr French about it and I hope they reply back.

Yes, I send it!! 3 drawings and have arrived!! But, Craig is recording cheers in UK so the guy from Parker and Mr french told me that they give it to his sister. I love you So, for now, Craig has not seen my drawings bounce

I love the idea of the proyect I want to participate! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 11:08 am

Maria Jose wrote:
Kitty wrote:
I thought about us members sending their works (artwork, poetry, letters etc) to my home address (that I'll privately send out through Private Messaging on Facebook). I would collect and compile the artworks to be sent off to Craig, just in time for his birthday in August, which seems like a reasonable amount of time (can also include birthday cards and handmade gifts). I would also expand it out to my Tumblr blog as well.
i would love to do this,but how much time do we have to do it? Woot

I planning on at least before the end of August. Just in time for Craig's birthday.

maleaballay wrote:
Kitty wrote:
Anysound wrote:
Sounds like an awesome idea. Very Happy But, wasn't something like this going to happen before...? Neutral

Malena was going to send her artwork to Craig but I don't how that is going and I left this whole art project into the open or something like that.

There was Operation Vines back in 2005 on the old forum lead by Allie. This will give us ideas for it.

I'm going to send an email to Parker & Mr French about it and I hope they reply back.

Yes, I send it!! 3 drawings and have arrived!! But, Craig is recording cheers in UK so the guy from Parker and Mr french told me that they give it to his sister. I love you So, for now, Craig has not seen my drawings bounce

I love the idea of the proyect I want to participate! Very Happy

I wonder how long he's been over there?
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The Vines Art Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 9:48 pm

Kitty wrote:
Maria Jose wrote:
Kitty wrote:
I thought about us members sending their works (artwork, poetry, letters etc) to my home address (that I'll privately send out through Private Messaging on Facebook). I would collect and compile the artworks to be sent off to Craig, just in time for his birthday in August, which seems like a reasonable amount of time (can also include birthday cards and handmade gifts). I would also expand it out to my Tumblr blog as well.
i would love to do this,but how much time do we have to do it? Woot

I planning on at least before the end of August. Just in time for Craig's birthday.

maleaballay wrote:
Kitty wrote:
Anysound wrote:
Sounds like an awesome idea. Very Happy But, wasn't something like this going to happen before...? Neutral

Malena was going to send her artwork to Craig but I don't how that is going and I left this whole art project into the open or something like that.

There was Operation Vines back in 2005 on the old forum lead by Allie. This will give us ideas for it.

I'm going to send an email to Parker & Mr French about it and I hope they reply back.

Yes, I send it!! 3 drawings and have arrived!! But, Craig is recording cheers in UK so the guy from Parker and Mr french told me that they give it to his sister. I love you So, for now, Craig has not seen my drawings bounce

I love the idea of the proyect I want to participate! Very Happy

I wonder how long he's been over there?

I do not know bounce He is comming back in a few weeks, I think...

Quote :
"we have sent it off to his sister who will deliver it to him in the coming weeks"
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 18, 2012 4:29 am

i'd love to be involved somehow, though i have no artistic ability. i shall keep an eye on this space!
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon May 07, 2012 3:46 pm

I haven't had any reply from management about addresses or anything.
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon May 28, 2012 3:31 pm

Okay I got the address to send it to from Jess.

Like from last time on the old forum, I would PM everyone my mailing address (because this is the internet) and everyone can send in their letters, artworks, photos, postcards from where they live, custom made jewellery etc to me. Then I would place it all in an A4 double ring folder with plastic sleeves so keep artworks to the maximum of A4.

I should have it all prepared by mid-August to be sent off wrapped in green paper and tied up with a green ribbon with a note that says "Do not open until August 31".

Who's with me?

Last edited by Kitty on Tue May 29, 2012 2:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeMon May 28, 2012 6:44 pm

Kitty wrote:
Okay I got the address to send it to from Jess.

Like from last time on the old forum, I would PM everyone my mailing address (because this is the internet) and everyone can send in their letters, artworks, photos, postcards from where they live, custom made jewelery etc to me. Then I would place it all in an A4 double ring folder with plastic sleeves so keep artworks to the maximum of A4.

I should have it all prepared by mid-August to be sent off wrapped in green paper and tied up with a green ribbion with a note that says "Do not open until August 31".

Who's with me?

me me me me!! cheers
I love this idea, I am so happy to be part of it!
this is my email:
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 2:50 am

maleaballay wrote:
Kitty wrote:
Okay I got the address to send it to from Jess.

Like from last time on the old forum, I would PM everyone my mailing address (because this is the internet) and everyone can send in their letters, artworks, photos, postcards from where they live, custom made jewelery etc to me. Then I would place it all in an A4 double ring folder with plastic sleeves so keep artworks to the maximum of A4.

I should have it all prepared by mid-August to be sent off wrapped in green paper and tied up with a green ribbion with a note that says "Do not open until August 31".

Who's with me?

me me me me!! cheers
I love this idea, I am so happy to be part of it!
this is my email:

Okay, we can contact each other through Facebook/e-mails as well.

We better start this project soon because it usually takes a couple of weeks to send a letter from overseas to Australia.
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The Vines Art Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 2:55 am

Kitty wrote:
Okay I got the address to send it to from Jess.

Like from last time on the old forum, I would PM everyone my mailing address (because this is the internet) and everyone can send in their letters, artworks, photos, postcards from where they live, custom made jewelery etc to me. Then I would place it all in an A4 double ring folder with plastic sleeves so keep artworks to the maximum of A4.

I should have it all prepared by mid-August to be sent off wrapped in green paper and tied up with a green ribbion with a note that says "Do not open until August 31".

Who's with me?

I just want to ask him to come watch a music festival in my town. Mostly teens go to these things and I doubt anyone would recognize him. Don't get mad that I said that! I just want to hang out with more people in their 30's that love music as much as me. The end of Aug. is after the fact though.
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 3:10 am

Treestar wrote:
Kitty wrote:
Okay I got the address to send it to from Jess.

Like from last time on the old forum, I would PM everyone my mailing address (because this is the internet) and everyone can send in their letters, artworks, photos, postcards from where they live, custom made jewellery etc to me. Then I would place it all in an A4 double ring folder with plastic sleeves so keep artworks to the maximum of A4.

I should have it all prepared by mid-August to be sent off wrapped in green paper and tied up with a green ribbon with a note that says "Do not open until August 31".

Who's with me?

I just want to ask him to come watch a music festival in my town. Mostly teens go to these things and I doubt anyone would recognise him. Don't get mad that I said that! I just want to hang out with more people in their 30's that love music as much as me. The end of Aug. is after the fact though.

I don't know about that for the project but it's okay to ask him separately in a letter of some sort.
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The Vines Art Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 3:13 am

Kitty wrote:
maleaballay wrote:
Kitty wrote:
Okay I got the address to send it to from Jess.

Like from last time on the old forum, I would PM everyone my mailing address (because this is the internet) and everyone can send in their letters, artworks, photos, postcards from where they live, custom made jewelery etc to me. Then I would place it all in an A4 double ring folder with plastic sleeves so keep artworks to the maximum of A4.

I should have it all prepared by mid-August to be sent off wrapped in green paper and tied up with a green ribbion with a note that says "Do not open until August 31".

Who's with me?

me me me me!! cheers
I love this idea, I am so happy to be part of it!
this is my email:

Okay, we can contact each other through Facebook/e-mails as well.

We better start this project soon because it usually takes a couple of weeks to send a letter from overseas to Australia.

Ok! cheers I am going to do my drawing and etter this week and later I will contact with you to send you my stuff Very Happy
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The Vines Art Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 3:16 am

maleaballay wrote:
Kitty wrote:
maleaballay wrote:
Kitty wrote:
Okay I got the address to send it to from Jess.

Like from last time on the old forum, I would PM everyone my mailing address (because this is the internet) and everyone can send in their letters, artworks, photos, postcards from where they live, custom made jewelery etc to me. Then I would place it all in an A4 double ring folder with plastic sleeves so keep artworks to the maximum of A4.

I should have it all prepared by mid-August to be sent off wrapped in green paper and tied up with a green ribbion with a note that says "Do not open until August 31".

Who's with me?

me me me me!! cheers
I love this idea, I am so happy to be part of it!
this is my email:

Okay, we can contact each other through Facebook/e-mails as well.

We better start this project soon because it usually takes a couple of weeks to send a letter from overseas to Australia.

Ok! cheers I am going to do my drawing and letter this week and later I will contact with you to send you my stuff Very Happy

Okay good. Do as much as you like.
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Maria Jose

Maria Jose

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The Vines Art Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 6:19 am

Kitty wrote:
Okay I got the address to send it to from Jess.

Like from last time on the old forum, I would PM everyone my mailing address (because this is the internet) and everyone can send in their letters, artworks, photos, postcards from where they live, custom made jewellery etc to me. Then I would place it all in an A4 double ring folder with plastic sleeves so keep artworks to the maximum of A4.

I should have it all prepared by mid-August to be sent off wrapped in green paper and tied up with a green ribbon with a note that says "Do not open until August 31".

Who's with me?
i am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hug Hug Hug
i sent to you my e mail by mp cheers
May mil gracias por avisarme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hug Hug Hug
my question is,how much time do we have? Woot
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines Art Project   The Vines Art Project I_icon_minitime

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