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 Hologram Musicians

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PostSubject: Hologram Musicians   Hologram Musicians I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 4:46 pm

Sooooooooo, we all saw the 2Pac hologram at the Coachella music festival the other week? Do you think this is a good idea reviving artists who have passed to once again do live performances, or should we just leave them alone? Or, who would you like to see in hologram so you could see that band that you couldnt before?

personally I'd like:
Kurt Cobain
Layne Staley
The Rev
Jim Morrison
Jimi Hendrix
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PostSubject: Re: Hologram Musicians   Hologram Musicians I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 28, 2012 1:58 pm

Ugghh, noo! Mad Noo! Just no! There's something so fundamentally wrong about it. Call me the fun-sucker, party-pooper, pessimist, cynic, whatever... I don't care, but I just think it's a horrible idea for the following reasons.

Music is an essentially human-made thing, and its performance a human experience for the performer and audience. No matter how advanced and seamless and lifelike the technology gets, there's always going to be that lifeless (and creepy) element to such a performance. I personally couldn't enjoy a performance performed by a computer even if it were technically "perfect" because I would know it's not feeling what it's saying, it's not personally reacting to the atmosphere of the crowd adjusting itself in response (or if it is, it's only doing so because it's programmed to do so). How could you enjoy if if you know what it only takes a few technical changes to alter the creation beyond recognition, or a simple glitch to ruin the whole facade in its entirety? And how strange would it be to have a performer who's flawless, who doesn't sing off-key every now and then, get pissed off and shout something at someone in the audience, break something, or whatever? Even if they were programmed to be more human by coughing or singing off-key or whatever, you'd know it's been "told" to.

And that's not taking into account if the hologram is replicating someone who is dead or alive. If they're dead, who says they'd be fine with it? If they're alive, how insulting is that, to show a band that's split up that they can be replaced by machines, or to show an artist who may not be in the prime of their career anymore that people would rather see a pale imitation of their old self?

It just seems so commercialised, too: "Oh hey, this person was massive and would be making us huge corporations millions if they were still alive... let's cash in now that we have the technology to ."

Oh my god, and that's only the tip of the ice-berg... I could go on, but I won't, because I know others see nothing wrong with it. I guess I can see the appeal, but to me it's just a horrid concept.
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PostSubject: Re: Hologram Musicians   Hologram Musicians I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 1:15 am

flower flowers.

Last edited by braindead on Wed May 16, 2012 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Hologram Musicians   Hologram Musicians I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 2:59 pm

:/ Opinions were asked for. None were given. So I simply gave mine. Sorry it was too involved of an opinion, or whatever.
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PostSubject: Re: Hologram Musicians   Hologram Musicians I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 3:19 pm

Anysound wrote:
:/ Opinions were asked for. None were given. So I simply gave mine. Sorry it was too involved of an opinion, or whatever.

And I appreciate your opinion to my topic Hug

You definately have strong points there, but think about it Anysound, we could see the artists we'd never had the chance to see before because of their deaths, as much as it can be seen as a revenue raiser for labels and whatnot, we could see them old bands crank out the same tunes from years ago, sure it wont be the same (pretty sure hologram Kurt wouldnt be able to destroy their set Razz) but it's the next best thing I see, soon, they'll clone the buggers somehow Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Hologram Musicians   Hologram Musicians I_icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 3:30 pm

Anysound wrote:

And that's not taking into account if the hologram is replicating someone who is dead or alive. If they're dead, who says they'd be fine with it? If they're alive, how insulting is that, to show a band that's split up that they can be replaced by machines, or to show an artist who may not be in the prime of their career anymore that people would rather see a pale imitation of their old self?

^^^ THIS! Of all the potential arguments against this idea, this is the most stringent.

Let's take Kurt Cobain for example. This idea goes against pretty much everything he ever stood for. There is nothing raw, authentic or punk rock about some money-hungry corporation destroying the legacy of a musical genius for the sake of making a few million dollars. Honestly, (and I mean no disrespect by this) if Kurt was told before he died that his memory would be desecrated by corporate fuckwits (and worse, his supposed fans would probably fall for it), I doubt he would have pulled the trigger, simply in an effort to prevent bullshit like this from ever happening. It is such an awful insult to his memory. Thankfully, I have faith that Dave, Krist, Frances and Courtney would never let this happen. I believe Frances is the one who owns the rights to Kurt's image, so we'll probably never see this happen. Still, the very thought makes me blood boil.

I am actually disgusted by the idea.

However, my objection is mostly to artists who are dead and have no input into whether or not corporations trample so heavily on their memory. For musicians who are still alive but are unable to perform for whatever reasons, I can see why they may consider it. If they're really that desperate for money, then they can sell out in whatever way they like. I'd just hope the fans are smart enough not to fall for it.

Gosh, I hope Craig isn't planning something like this, y'know, with the whole departures of Ryan and Hamish... Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Hologram Musicians   Hologram Musicians I_icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 4:13 pm

Howl wrote:
. Thankfully, I have faith that Dave, Krist, Frances and Courtney would never let this happen. I believe Frances is the one who owns the rights to Kurt's image, so we'll probably never see this happen. Still, the very thought makes me blood boil.
Gosh, I hope Craig isn't planning something like this, y'know, with the whole departures of Ryan and Hamish... Razz

Dave and Krist, yes, Courtney. Im sorry she's the reason the 2002 best of album was released and the 2004 boxset with the lights out . And all subsequent releases. And Dave and Krist dnt go near her anyways now. The hologram Kurt for her would've gone through her mind.

Hologram Patrick anyone? I don't think they'd get his chin right though Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Hologram Musicians   Hologram Musicians I_icon_minitimeMon May 07, 2012 2:16 pm

HighlyEvolved wrote:

And I appreciate your opinion to my topic Hug

You definately have strong points there, but think about it Anysound, we could see the artists we'd never had the chance to see before because of their deaths, as much as it can be seen as a revenue raiser for labels and whatnot, we could see them old bands crank out the same tunes from years ago, sure it wont be the same (pretty sure hologram Kurt wouldnt be able to destroy their set Razz) but it's the next best thing I see, soon, they'll clone the buggers somehow Very Happy

Awh, thank you. Hug

And hmm, well, I can see the attraction as I would give so much to see certain bands, but I just wouldn't be fine with it, no matter what. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Smile

Howl wrote:

^^^ THIS! Of all the potential arguments against this idea, this is the most stringent.

Let's take Kurt Cobain for example. This idea goes against pretty much everything he ever stood for. There is nothing raw, authentic or punk rock about some money-hungry corporation destroying the legacy of a musical genius for the sake of making a few million dollars. Honestly, (and I mean no disrespect by this) if Kurt was told before he died that his memory would be desecrated by corporate fuckwits (and worse, his supposed fans would probably fall for it), I doubt he would have pulled the trigger, simply in an effort to prevent bullshit like this from ever happening. It is such an awful insult to his memory. Thankfully, I have faith that Dave, Krist, Frances and Courtney would never let this happen. I believe Frances is the one who owns the rights to Kurt's image, so we'll probably never see this happen. Still, the very thought makes me blood boil.

I am actually disgusted by the idea.

However, my objection is mostly to artists who are dead and have no input into whether or not corporations trample so heavily on their memory. For musicians who are still alive but are unable to perform for whatever reasons, I can see why they may consider it. If they're really that desperate for money, then they can sell out in whatever way they like. I'd just hope the fans are smart enough not to fall for it.

Gosh, I hope Craig isn't planning something like this, y'know, with the whole departures of Ryan and Hamish... Razz

Ahhh, yes, exactly! Thank youuu! I'm so glad someone understands where I'm coming from! Hug
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PostSubject: Re: Hologram Musicians   Hologram Musicians I_icon_minitime

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