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 The Vines Vs. Google Moog

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Join date : 2011-11-02
Age : 27
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The Vines Vs. Google Moog Empty
PostSubject: The Vines Vs. Google Moog   The Vines Vs. Google Moog I_icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 12:57 pm

Okay, so you've been on your computer on google today? Yes well I've made a wonderful game, guess the vines song made by the moog Very Happy
Here's some to look at! (NOTE: You need google chrome for it to work, explorer won't let you play, haven't tried firefox though)
On the moog, you'll see a play button, click it, and the song shall play
song 1:
song 2:
song 3:
song 4:
song 5:

Have fun!
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The Vines Vs. Google Moog
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