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 Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks

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Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks Empty
PostSubject: Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks   Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 08, 2012 7:30 am

Hey, guys!

Guess what?! Very Happy Recently the legend that is Brian Cannon got in touch with me and offered me an interview with him about The Verve and his latest work. He has worked with Britpop giants The Verve, Oasis and Suede and companies as diverse as Absolut Vodka and Converse, so how could I say no, right? ^_^ His career is well and truly star-studded and it turns out he's the nicest guy in the world, too. Top man. Anyway, I interviewed him and wrote an article which I posted on my Verve fanblog here. It's mainly about The Verve (of course), but he also talks about the future of his work. I know no one here is really a massive Verve fan but I know there are some Oasis fans among you and I would really appreciate it if you checked it out - hopefully you'll find out something new, or find it interesting, at least. Smile

Better still, it would mean a lot to me if you checked out Brian's newly launched website at Microdot Speaks. In particular, you might be interested in this amazing lecture tour which chronicles his work over the years, focusing on sleeve design for The Verve, Suede and Oasis. Some rare pictures and wonderful anecdotes in there - well worth your time if you're a fan of Britpop. Smile

Thanks a lot for your time and I hope you're all well. ^_^
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks   Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 28, 2012 12:16 pm

Aw, that's really cool.

Thanks a lot for the interview. He seems like a really nice guy.

I have always loved the Definitely, Maybe cover. It seems simple, but it's really beautiful.

It's really pretty unusual that he worked so closely with The Verve and the other artists he worked with. It all depends on the artists' attitude.

I also love the little Verve anecdotes. They made me smile.

Quote :
Despite its “digitally enhanced appearance”, Cannon explains the sleeve of She’s A Superstar is authentic. He turned the waterfall blue by pouring a dustbin of blue food colouring into the water, and installed a neon sign into the river - its generator out of shot. He adds that the “four silhouetted figures on the distant hillside were not added digitally” either, and that it really “is (The) Verve shivering up there for hours until we completed the shot.”
The idea for the sleeve is so... creative, for lack of a better word. I guess it took a long time to develop that idea.

I hope to hear more from him and his future work.
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Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks   Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 8:57 am

Ahh, thank you so much! I'm so glad you took the time to read it and that you actually enjoyed it. ^_^

Yes, he was such a nice guy! He found me (!) on Twitter and offered an interview with him in exchange for plugging his new site. Got chatting through emails etc and he is just soo down to earth. He even told me to "stop calling [him] Mr. Cannon! Brian is fine!" hehe Razz

Yeah, he's really lucky to have been part of the scene and The Verve, Oasis and Suede are so lucky to have had him on board. His art is one of a kind. Very special. Smile
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Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks   Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2012 8:29 pm

Cool, Thanks.
he's a talented guy.
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Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks   Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2012 7:35 am

Glad you liked it, and no problem. He is indeed. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks   Brian Cannon on The Verve and the launch of Microdot Speaks I_icon_minitime

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