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 are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?

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The Household Cat
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 1:18 pm

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 300486_2595988742669_1343222426_3083147_1955000037_n

i know i am! so this is my most recent picture i did. it's of jack. from all time low. i worked super hard on this! Very Happy
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 1:27 pm

here's a few more!

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 314396_2593555281834_1343222426_3079977_1167691467_n
christofer drew (nevershoutnever)

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 314404_2594699950450_1343222426_3081520_1648994024_n
alex gaskarth (all time low) this was my first vector.

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 255606_2151280065230_1343222426_2608589_937209_n
jack barakat and alex gaskarth from all time low. aka, jalex. Very Happy

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 164885_1789402498517_1343222426_2023114_6312961_n
se7en (brokencyde)

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 252931_2125170372504_1343222426_2571254_6343350_n
christofer drew (nevershoutnever)... i really wish i could have made the picture under "christofer" over to the left a bit more, but i was in a hurry when i made this.

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 205913_2366586687761_1343222426_2867873_4741259_n
nevershoutnever. i made this for a contest. i didn't win. Sad
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 1:46 pm

I'm an art student at an Australian University and a piece of work that I've made is currently on exhibit in Hong Kong.

I also made these:

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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 180002_499118364763_580924763_5806128_6005468_n
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 1:47 pm

wow. those are stunning...

puts my stuff to shame.

D: but i love the bird.
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 1:49 pm

This mosiac of Kurt Cobain that i did cause i <3 KC Razz
are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 189301_208332915847717_100000130296003_860293_7740364_n

Then my Final Piece for Art :3
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 226452_221979577816384_100000130296003_965576_1132100_n

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PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 1:51 pm

i can see the picture in the second picture but the last ones i'm having a hard time seeing.... unless it's just pics mashed together? i feel bad.
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PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 2:36 pm

Nah lol :3 they are Mosiacs, in other words, its where there is 1 big picture that has been pixelated. in this case its 3 Razz then in the pixel square there is another image. an image goes in each square. then it gets hollowed to make it look like the big picture is made up of abunch of little pictures Razz

The second picture is me with a box on my head representing "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" Razz
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 2:47 pm

I didn't realise this topic was about art and thought it was going to be about good deeds or something like that haha.
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PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 2:50 pm

Anysound wrote:
I didn't realise this topic was about art and thought it was going to be about good deeds or something like that haha.

it's just stuff you made. so if you made a sign that was about good deeds..... Very Happy
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 1:56 am

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Tumblr_ltfvwuxw4N1qfhvabo1_500

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Tumblr_lslosgyFru1qfhvab
My door. Lol. I don't know if that counts...

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Tumblr_ltldqqIUfR1r5ubrzo1_500

Here, have a doodle of Nick McCabe:
are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Tumblr_ltldhw6SYP1r5ubrzo1_500

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Tumblr_ltlchecW261r5ubrzo1_500

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Tumblr_ltlcenpgbN1r5ubrzo1_500
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 5:38 am

Swedernish wrote:
Nah lol :3 they are Mosiacs, in other words, its where there is 1 big picture that has been pixelated. in this case its 3 Razz then in the pixel square there is another image. an image goes in each square. then it gets hollowed to make it look like the big picture is made up of abunch of little pictures Razz

The second picture is me with a box on my head representing "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" Razz

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Craig's Angel

Craig's Angel

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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 11:22 pm

are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 164885_1789402498517_1343222426_2023114_6312961_n
se7en (brokencyde)
Very Happy yay Sev. thats awesome

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PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 17, 2011 6:10 pm

Nice work everyone! I really like what I saw in the upper posts ^^

Umm I can't say I'm proud, but I got some experimental photography and photo manipulations over here and I'd like to share them (:

I am aware that some of you might find my photos a little too over-edited but I guess this is how my mind's working at this stage. I think that editing is a part of the whole image creating process... Maybe one day when I become better at analogue photography I'll grow up as an artist and avoid the constant usage of computer-based ways of editing images...

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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? 30258_400548990771_725170771_4054485_1883527_n

I've got hundreds of these so I guess this is a small part of what I do and I assume I'm showing you more than enough Very Happy
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 17, 2011 8:36 pm

Wow... Wow... Shocked This is beautiful!
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 17, 2011 11:52 pm

Really gorgeous have really wonderful ideas! :-)
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: i made this!! i am proud   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2013 3:32 pm

IF I WAS FRODO short funny video
its not the best, but i thought it was funny and i guess tahts all taht matters, its a little rude, but hope u like it
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are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look?   are you proud of something you did and just want to share it with anyone who'll look? I_icon_minitime

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