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 The Vines music database website

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Join date : 2012-12-26
Age : 41
Location : Surrey, England

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PostSubject: The Vines music database website   The Vines music database website I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 16, 2013 2:07 am

If anyone doesn't know this site, it's based on The Vines music database which was on the now defunct DTI website.

It's great as it lists everything the vines have recorded (up to Vision Valley).

The original site use to show links for downloads but this one doesn't.

I'm particularly interested in the Demo's section.

I know you can hear a lot of these songs separately on youtube but if anyone has these demo sessions as complete albums it would be great if you could share download links here.

I'm most interested in the complete Zen Recordings sessions, then the Q Studio demo's sessions and then the A# sessions.

I want to hear the original 3 piece Vines in all their garage rock glory. In particular David Oliffe's drumming which I prefered to Hamish's which was good but kind of standard rock whereas David's was more creative, sort of reminded me of the Kinks' drumming style. And Patrick's bass playing was also more creative and I prefer the production on the demo's over the high-gloss production work of Rob Schnapf (Wayne Connolly's production on VV is my favourite).

I've been into the Vines since I first heard the Factory 7inch single on Xfm over 10 years ago now. Always looked in the old forums for pics, interviews etc but never joined!

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Age : 31
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The Vines music database website Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vines music database website   The Vines music database website I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 6:21 am

Awesome! Thanks so much for posting, James! And welcome to the forum! ^_^
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