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 What ever happened to that documentary from 2010?

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What ever happened to that documentary from 2010? Empty
PostSubject: What ever happened to that documentary from 2010?   What ever happened to that documentary from 2010? I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 05, 2013 6:28 am

Just remembered about something that was posted on the old forum back in 2010 about a Vines documentary that a company called Snakes&Ladders was working on ( Just wondering if anyone knew anything more about what happened to it. Jessica left a reply on 10th may 2010 saying "Like I said nothing is confirmed but people have been gathering footage of the band for years! It's certainly not out of the question but I wouldn't expect it any time too soon." And Kitty said she was going to email S&L to find more info.

It's really annoying that there's no Vines documentary, not even one of those crappy unauthorised ones! I know they are nowhere near as popular as they were in 2002 but there's been lesser bands who've had documentaries made about them.
And they're such an interesting band with an interesting story because of Craig's uniqueness. I really think if a good documentary was made, it would stand a chance of bringing them back into the limelight and would remind people how good they are.
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What ever happened to that documentary from 2010? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What ever happened to that documentary from 2010?   What ever happened to that documentary from 2010? I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 08, 2013 9:11 am

Wow! I completely forgot about that and obviously I have no idea about any progression it might've had. But you're so right, The Vines definitely deserve a documentary to be made about them. There's sooo many aspects of the band that could be explored and now seems like the opportune time. Like you said, it could really thrust them into the spotlight again.
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Age : 33
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What ever happened to that documentary from 2010? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What ever happened to that documentary from 2010?   What ever happened to that documentary from 2010? I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 08, 2013 9:54 am

There was apparently a documentary with just Craig that aired on SBS back 2002. I don't know anything else about it.

Perhaps that documentary was intended as bonus material for some deluxe edition of FP and due to record sales and legal reasons (with the band embers leaving) they couldn't release it. I do hope for a documentary about Craig, or a documentary featuring him in relation to music and/or autism I hope his management is reading this.
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What ever happened to that documentary from 2010? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What ever happened to that documentary from 2010?   What ever happened to that documentary from 2010? I_icon_minitime

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