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 I reuploaded some old Vines videos to YouTube

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Join date : 2011-10-24
Age : 31
Location : Berlin

I reuploaded some old Vines videos to YouTube Empty
PostSubject: I reuploaded some old Vines videos to YouTube   I reuploaded some old Vines videos to YouTube I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 16, 2014 11:29 am

I recently went through my iPod to compare what I have and what is still up on YouTube. These are the videos I have which aren’t on YouTube anymore, and I have uploaded them at the links provided:

Craig and Patrick with The Music on Fly TV
Interview in Japan
Homesick (Live)
Vision Valley Era Interview - someone has reuploaded this recently but they’ve edited it a bit and dubbed it in Spanish subtitles so I thought I may as well upload the original

As for the Homesick video and interviews, if anyone knows any more details about the presenters/shows/air dates etc, please tell me so I can add this to the video title/description.

I will keep the other ones I have anyway, in case they get taken down eventually.

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Posts : 623
Join date : 2011-10-24
Age : 33
Location : Australia

I reuploaded some old Vines videos to YouTube Empty
PostSubject: Re: I reuploaded some old Vines videos to YouTube   I reuploaded some old Vines videos to YouTube I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 16, 2014 1:04 pm

Have you tried looking through links to download Vines videos on the old forum?
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I reuploaded some old Vines videos to YouTube
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