Hey guys. Back when this aired I filmed the morning session on my phone like the little fangirl I am in case no one else recorded it. I finally got around to editing it together and uploading it to YouTube today:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EnbkXs1Zgc&feature=youtu.beBeware: the quality is HORRIBLE. Super quiet and, because I was recording a TV screen with my phone, quite blurry and shaky.
But anyway, I hope it brings some joy to some of you.
Sorry again for the quality and for being so late. Also, I apologise for my snort of suppressed laughter at the end.
Also, I just found the evening session has been uploaded here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBm9y2kATaMThis one has about two or three clips that also played in the morning session, but apart from that they're different.