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 The Generic Football Thread

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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 1:16 am

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lu1mei0RH61qfz577o1_500

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lu7y7rHMEJ1qfhvabo1_500

The Generic Football Thread Bel11oct_walking

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lri9x2jCtt1qco9o8o1_500

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lr7m8fasah1qcoi1fo1_500

Chavs and proud of it.

And as a bonus for all those who are into it Wink :

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lskgkrj4xV1qac3ixo1_500
Mesut with his dad.

So, I'm awaiting all your Messi and Mannschaft posts. Laughing

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lsr9vceBcK1qchl8do1_500
Awwww, Phillip. Laughing I could look at this forever.
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Celebrating the awesomeness that is Football gif.   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 1:26 am

While we're all excitedly waiting for next year, here it comes:

The Generic Football Thread 28253693The Generic Football Thread 28267629The Generic Football Thread 1447985The Generic Football Thread 1171092The Generic Football Thread 28597433
Poldi Keks is a classic.

The Generic Football Thread S2zal0The Generic Football Thread Fy1ibl

The Generic Football Thread Ouo5zt
Total OTP.

The Generic Football Thread Ei9oub
Poldi just can't wait.

The Generic Football Thread 2e0uvltThe Generic Football Thread 1116x4o

The Generic Football Thread 2cxhulxThe Generic Football Thread 2uj5if8

The Generic Football Thread Ndr9fqThe Generic Football Thread Kbr8uv

The Generic Football Thread 2n9md8j
Thomas seems to feel uncomfortable.

He's like... 2 years younger than I am. XD

The Generic Football Thread 4jwfarThe Generic Football Thread I4oh6x

The Generic Football Thread Tak7eqThe Generic Football Thread 2eey53d

The Generic Football Thread 2lbkxz6The Generic Football Thread 25rchec
He's just too endearing...

He's like the kid at school so desperately trying to be funny. He's actually really cool, but people find him annoying. Sad

And because it never gets old:
The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lti1emeM201qfhvabo1_500
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 1:31 am

I also watched an interesting documentary yesterday. It's in German though.

"Homosexualität im Fußball":

The last part is really sad. It's about professional football players who're too scared to "out" themselves. From some of the best clubs in Germany, apparently.
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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 2:39 pm

I wish wish wish wish wish I had the time to watch sport. bounce Some days I feel like watching soccer... uh ... football more than anything and I just can't (because of school either directly = work to do, or indirectly = it's on really late when I have school the next day Rolling Eyes ). No I wish I was knowledgeable about football and different teams and was as crazy as a team as I am about my favourite bands.
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 3:52 pm

Anysound wrote:
I wish wish wish wish wish I had the time to watch sport. bounce Some days I feel like watching soccer... uh ... football more than anything and I just can't (because of school either directly = work to do, or indirectly = it's on really late when I have school the next day Rolling Eyes ). No I wish I was knowledgeable about football and different teams and was as crazy as a team as I am about my favourite bands.
I know that feeling. ^^ Football is not something that just is part of my life. I have to make a big effort to relate to it. I haven't watched many games in my life. But sometimes I get a feeling that seems like what football fans feel like when they watch a game.

I have only watched one game this year. ^^

I believe that football is still seen as a chav sport. And most male football fans sneer at women who are into football anyway. I guess a lot of sexism is still involved when it comes to certain sports. I mean... I didn't pay attention to the women's world cup. ^^ It's just the way it is. You're kind of born into the male domain of football. And it gets a lot of publicity.

I don't know the rules.

I don't know the teams other than their name and one or two of their players at best. Who usually also play for the national team. ^^
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 4:36 pm

I watched the World Cup in 2002. And the European Championship in 2004.

Oh God, Greece actually won the European Championship? oO I forgot. I was totally into them for absolutely no reason. And they won? I forgot...

Awwww, that's the cutest thing ever. Awwww, Greece.

It's always good to check. Very Happy

I remember the World Cup in 2002. I was hoping for Germany to win because we'd already won 3 times and Brazil had won 4 times by then and I hoped for Germany to be running together with Brazil. I was equally peeved when Italy won in 2006 because Germany was pushed on 3. (I'm into lists, you see...)

Germany won in 1954, 1974 and 1990. So... 2014 should be the year to win. Every 20 years or so.

I am hopeful. I want to cry. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Guys, I am getting overly emotional here. I just love our team at the moment. We have the best coach the German team ever has had. He's brilliant in so many ways.

And I bought the book!!!! It's only a month old.

The Generic Football Thread 9783895338137

It should arrive tomorrow. It's probably very trashy, but it's better than nothing.

I'm still waiting for his autobiography.
(Even Phillip Lahm has one, so...)

And I might really buy the audiobook. Because he sounds so great, you know... Oh well, I guess that's just my thing. Even though I believe there are other people out there who dig it.

The Germany national football team manager (German: Bundestrainer, literally 'Federal Coach') is a position created in 1926 and first held by Otto Nerz. The German team began playing matches in 1908, but for 18 years it had no manager. Instead a selection committee chose the team.

Ten different men have occupied the post since its inception, all of whom are German. Seven of the ten have previously played for the national team, the exceptions being Nerz, Erich Ribbeck, and current incumbent Joachim Löw.

1. Otto Nerz (Reichstrainer) 25. Apr. 1928 – 17. Okt. 1936
The Generic Football Thread Nerz2_484
Oh my God, he was so stylish!!!! XD Those clothes...

2. Sepp Herberger (Reichstrainer) 15. Nov. 1936 – 22. Nov. 1942
The Generic Football Thread SeppHerberger
Football players looked so great in their clothes back then...

Sepp Herberger 22. Nov. 1950 – 7. Juni 1964
Weltmeister 1954

3. Helmut Schön 4. Nov. 1964 – 21. Juni 1978
The Generic Football Thread 24149
Weltmeister 1974

4. Jupp Derwall 11. Okt. 1978 – 20. Juni 1984
The Generic Football Thread Jupp_derwall

5. Franz Beckenbauer (Teamchef); 12. Sep. 1984 – 8. Juli 1990
Horst Köppel & Holger Osieck (Trainerlizenzträger)
The Generic Football Thread Franz_beckenbauer
Omg, that picture!!! XD Made my day.
Weltmeister 1990

6. Berti Vogts 29. Aug. 1990 – 5. Sep. 1998
The Generic Football Thread 2,h=343.bild

7. Erich Ribbeck 10. Okt. 1998 – 20. Juni 2000
The Generic Football Thread _796231_ribbeck300

8. Rudi Völler (Teamchef) 16. Aug. 2000 – 24. Juni 2004
Michael Skibbe (Trainerlizenzträger)
The Generic Football Thread Voeller3_277
Oh, you cannot imagine the cult... Especially at the World Cup 2002...

9. Jürgen Klinsmann 26. Juli 2004 – 8. Juli 2006
The Generic Football Thread Jurgen-klinsmann
He's kind of eluded me for a while...

10. Joachim Löw 16. Aug. 2006 – Stay here forever!!! Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad 2 and a half years.
Please, another 10 years. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
The Generic Football Thread Joachim_LoewThe Generic Football Thread Joachim_Loew

"Löw, der älteste von vier Brüdern, verlebte Kindheit und Jugend in seinem Geburtsort Schönau im Schwarzwald."
Get this. The place he was born in has, as of now, 2500 inhabitants. If you're familiar with towns that have less than 10,000 inhabitants... That is NOT a lot. In an interview he said that he actually said he had a good childhood. So he's lucky I guess. Smile Because, you know, the Black Forest is like... It's VERY isolated.

But Joachim, even though he didn't play for the national team, is SC Freiburg's top goal scorer. He played 252 games and scored 81 goals in the second German Football League. Löw also played four times for the German national under-21 football team.

So... he wasn't exactly bad, he just was not lucky. I think it's quite something if you play second league and are the best scorer your team ever had.

That's a question to ponder. Is every player that plays for the German team top scorer of the team he is from?
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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 4:51 pm

The Generic Football Thread Nunogomes
.................................................... Love

The Generic Football Thread 200606010559_1279254

The Generic Football Thread Nuno-gomes

......................................The Generic Football Thread Rolleye0016 lol

I guess you didn't see this one coming did you The Generic Football Thread Tongue0006
though I reckon he rather belongs in this thread lol

It's Nuno Gomes in case you're wondering (:

But the German team, ohh… that's a rather thorny issue haha
...considering some of the best players are, ahem, of Polish origin Razz Podolski and Klose among others
Damn traitors ;p
Painful lol

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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 5:21 pm

Rusty wrote:

But the German team, ohh… that's a rather thorny issue haha
...considering some of the best players are, ahem, of Polish origin Razz Podolski and Klose among others
Damn traitors ;p
Painful lol
Laughing Don't forget Özil, Müller and Schweinsteiger. Razz Razz Razz

Yeah, Mesut is "of Turkish origin".

Last edited by The Household Cat on Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 5:22 pm

What's that even supposed to mean? Razz

You have a very restricted view of what a "German" national team player is. Razz Razz Razz

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 6:39 pm

A "very restricted view"? I don't think so ;p
It's not that they're merely of Polish origin, those two guys were actually born in Poland, and have families here they left behind
AND if you consider the fact that they seriously contributed to our team having been eliminated from the last Euros...

And I guess I better scram from this thread before we seriously start to fight lol
Football fever is not a thing to be trifled with Wink

The Generic Football Thread Penalty-1

and yes, I know about Özil ;p
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 8:27 pm

Rusty wrote:
A "very restricted view"? I don't think so ;p
It's not that they're merely of Polish origin, those two guys were actually born in Poland, and have families here they left behind
AND if you consider the fact that they seriously contributed to our team having been eliminated from the last Euros...
Hug Hug
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Location : Egypt. No, not really :P

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 8:41 pm

The Household Cat wrote:
Rusty wrote:
A "very restricted view"? I don't think so ;p
It's not that they're merely of Polish origin, those two guys were actually born in Poland, and have families here they left behind
AND if you consider the fact that they seriously contributed to our team having been eliminated from the last Euros...
Hug Hug
The Generic Football Thread Happy0169 Hug
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 8:55 pm

In general, I don't like the way football players are sold off to foreign teams either. Miro and Poldi seem to be very happy in our team though.

But it's sad that they left their family behind. Sad I was not aware of that.
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 8:57 pm

Hahaha, I just googled Poldi and there are interesting photos of him. XD
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2011 7:36 am

Just saw this on Tumblr:

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_luirjqkOPy1qdqmz4o1_500

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_luirjqkOPy1qdqmz4o2_250The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_luirjqkOPy1qdqmz4o3_250

I almost cried. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2011 7:37 am

For anyone who's curious:
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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 13, 2011 3:13 pm

The Household Cat wrote:
I know that feeling. ^^ Football is not something that just is part of my life. I have to make a big effort to relate to it. I haven't watched many games in my life. But sometimes I get a feeling that seems like what football fans feel like when they watch a game.

I have only watched one game this year. ^^

I believe that football is still seen as a chav sport. And most male football fans sneer at women who are into football anyway. I guess a lot of sexism is still involved when it comes to certain sports. I mean... I didn't pay attention to the women's world cup. ^^ It's just the way it is. You're kind of born into the male domain of football. And it gets a lot of publicity.

I don't know the rules.

I don't know the teams other than their name and one or two of their players at best. Who usually also play for the national team. ^^

Eeeep, sorry for the extremely late reply. silent

And haha it's funny that people in Europe have that idea of football. I've certainly heard of it from Europeans and especially the British but soccer (Razz) is seen much differently here. I look at European football with awe and hope because it's sooo popular and so much more classy than the most popular sports here. It seems that all our sports are horribly violent, corrupt, commercialised reality TV shows with players who have an IQ of 10 and no respect for their image or the sport's image and its impact on young children. Then you look at European soccer and it seems so shiny and clean and respectful, a sport with integrity, where the players have skill and are nice people. Now I know I'm generalising greatly but it was to prove a point - that's a foreign perspective on things, and I doubt it's just me who thinks this and can't shake the stereotypes views that have somehow been created.
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 24, 2011 3:08 pm

Anysound wrote:
The Household Cat wrote:
I know that feeling. ^^ Football is not something that just is part of my life. I have to make a big effort to relate to it. I haven't watched many games in my life. But sometimes I get a feeling that seems like what football fans feel like when they watch a game.

I have only watched one game this year. ^^

I believe that football is still seen as a chav sport. And most male football fans sneer at women who are into football anyway. I guess a lot of sexism is still involved when it comes to certain sports. I mean... I didn't pay attention to the women's world cup. ^^ It's just the way it is. You're kind of born into the male domain of football. And it gets a lot of publicity.

I don't know the rules.

I don't know the teams other than their name and one or two of their players at best. Who usually also play for the national team. ^^

Eeeep, sorry for the extremely late reply. silent

And haha it's funny that people in Europe have that idea of football. I've certainly heard of it from Europeans and especially the British but soccer (Razz) is seen much differently here. I look at European football with awe and hope because it's sooo popular and so much more classy than the most popular sports here. It seems that all our sports are horribly violent, corrupt, commercialised reality TV shows with players who have an IQ of 10 and no respect for their image or the sport's image and its impact on young children. Then you look at European soccer and it seems so shiny and clean and respectful, a sport with integrity, where the players have skill and are nice people. Now I know I'm generalising greatly but it was to prove a point - that's a foreign perspective on things, and I doubt it's just me who thinks this and can't shake the stereotypes views that have somehow been created.
I think I do agree with you. I find American sports, for example, absolutely weird. American Football seems so absurd and unreal to me. Or Baseball. Even though Baseball seems more interesting to me.

I do not completely agree with your view that the players seem nice. Because you can get real dicks in "European football". But I think I get your point. ^^

Perhaps the possibility is greater that you get a smart and fair football/soccer player, but... I don't know... ^^
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The Generic Football Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 27, 2011 2:08 am

The Household Cat wrote:

I think I do agree with you. I find American sports, for example, absolutely weird. American Football seems so absurd and unreal to me. Or Baseball. Even though Baseball seems more interesting to me.

I do not completely agree with your view that the players seem nice. Because you can get real dicks in "European football". But I think I get your point. ^^

Perhaps the possibility is greater that you get a smart and fair football/soccer player, but... I don't know... ^^

I agree with the American sport too! And it's funny, I agree that baseball seems less weird somehow - maybe because there have been numerous Simpsons episodes on it and as such I am *kind of* accustomed to it? Razz

Haha, well good, I'm glad you see where I'm coming from and yes, that sounds about right.
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 15, 2011 1:34 am

Australian writers on Joachim Löw:

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lin7e9T3x71qejx0vo1_500

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lin7a6E1Jz1qejx0vo1_500

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lqe36vgVfU1qd1z1qo1_500
That image in the second row on the far right... Me likes. Love

I want this.

The Generic Football Thread Joachimlow415

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lsrc80UqZP1qchl8do1_500

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lsrc80UqZP1qchl8do2_500

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lsrcfx5DjT1qiz6xvo2_500
Hahahaha, they're the cutest OTP everrrr.

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lsa0dvBKVs1qd6gf1o1_500
Bierhoff always tries to steal Joachim away...

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_loxty9GCzJ1qli6yio1_500
But Hansi is persistent. Laughing

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_l940iogQYN1qbiykfo1_500
Deer in the headlights glance.

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lf25oudMD81qe53qko1_400
Hahaha. They both do NOT agree. Joachim is rather disgusted.

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lf2sfe1FOy1qcxypo

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lkpiu6O0Gp1qc1o4mo1_500
Someone on Tumblr wrote: ship them

My reply was rather long. It included:

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lfld1piQxI1qgsm1bo1_400

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lmd95nW4EY1qgzpr7o1_500

This is probably the best ever:
The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lekueao4QG1qd6j5s

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_liu912AhN61qd6ja1o1_500

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_luo1xuLTzC1qi34fso3_500

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_ltvhwjxSdi1qesrtz

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lsrcfx5DjT1qiz6xvo1_500

"Whatever went wrong
Just tell me the song
And I'll sing it"

Hahahaha. The cheap violins on "Back For Good". XD
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Koala Owl

Koala Owl

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2011 10:10 pm

<3 Footy bounce
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2011 10:20 pm

I make a calendar for my sister with lots of football images of Joachim Löw, Hansi Flick, Mesut Özil, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Lukas Podolski, Mats Hummels, Arne Friedrich and Thomas Müller.

Bwhahahaha, it's so awesome. I could make it every day.
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Koala Owl

Koala Owl

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 17, 2011 7:19 pm

No Klose for her calendar? WIll you post the images from the calendar please?
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 19, 2011 12:08 am

Koala Owl wrote:
No Klose for her calendar? WIll you post the images from the calendar please?
OK, I will do that. ^^

I had my first Joachim Löw dream tonight. Laughing

It was something to do with cars. And his hair looked like this:

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lsx8nwZYM61qfhvabo1_500

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lu36l4hEBW1qfhvabo2_500

And because I love it, I'll post the header of the Joachim Löw Tumblr here:

The Generic Football Thread 9v9qix
Best header ever.

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_l5yd6gczEp1qcayhto1_400
I just laughed out loud. I forgot it exists. XD

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_l6a38q8K7W1qcayhto1_400

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_l6frjn8ITg1qcayhto1_500
I love this. Because...

Tom Cruise.

I couldn't even identify the Mission Impossible posters all around town until I read that the film exists a couple of days ago. ^^ Well, not too much into Tom Cruise, might be the reason. ^^ These things always elude me.

Ooooh, I almost forgot. My mother's friend from school/colleague said today that she bought her father a NIVEA package. No one commented on it. But I grinned internally. Because she said she bought him "a Jogi bag". Love No one seemed to care. But I did. I lead such a closet life in many respects. My Joachim Löw infatuation is just one of many interests that go unnoticed by my friends and family.

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_lkxq98FJlP1qipr09o1_500

Aaaah, I'm sorry for so much off-topicness, but:

The Generic Football Thread Tumblr_l5sve6JOUl1qcayhto1_500

They're totally adorable.

This man. Is. So. Great. Because... everything. You know, that guy was a... OK, I have to look that term up now.

The Generic Football Thread Ministranten2

He was an altar boy in his home town's church. You know... and the reason why he did it was, how he said it, "because people liked to see that sort of thing". And I knew what he meant. Because... well, I could relate.

Also, the one actress he'd invite for dinner was Cate Blanchett. Very Happy Who is... cool. So... I am happy.

He doesn't want his wife in the public eye because she's not just the Bundestrainer's wife, leading her own life. You know... Well, he's quite... humble. So...

To him football is... art. Well, that's not sooo unusual, but he...

Oh yes, I love me some trivia. He used to read the "Kicker" - the popular German football mag - and practically learn it by hard. And little Joachim was always seen kicking his ball to practice. I think... it was worth it to buy the biography. Two chapters in and I already learnt quite a lot of things. Not just about him, about football in general.

OK, right, . I am in fits of laughter right now.
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 19, 2011 12:11 am

And no Klose because I had some more things other than football and... I don't know... Thomas Müller and Arne Friedrich even have to share a page. ^^
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PostSubject: Re: The Generic Football Thread   The Generic Football Thread I_icon_minitime

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