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 Your top 5 Nirvana songs

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Craig's Angel
The Household Cat
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PostSubject: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 3:49 am

So because I have never started a topic before and because so many of you are Nirvana fans, let's get everyone's top 5 Nirvana songs. You have to limit it to only 5 so it makes the task harder.

Here's mine to get the ball rolling:

1. Sappy
2. Serve the Servants
3. Drain You
4. Lounge Act
5. Even in his Youth
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 3:27 pm

1) Come As You Are (favourite song of all time)
2) Dumb
3) All Apologies
4) Milk It
5) Hairspray Queen
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 27, 2011 3:30 am


1-serve the servants
2-negative creep
5-spank thru.

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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2011 3:06 am

It's been a while since I've listened to Nirvana, but from what I can remember, my favourite tracks were;

1) Oh The Guilt
2) Drain You
3) Old Age
4) Lithium
5) Aneurysm

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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 6:56 am

1) Scentless Apprentice
2) Milk It
3) Territorial Pissings
4) Curmudgeon
5) I Hate Myself And I Want To Die (DON'T JUDGE THE NAME)
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 11:39 pm

"Old Age" is amazing. I very much wanted to include it in my list.
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2011 1:35 am

VisionValley wrote:
"Old Age" is amazing. I very much wanted to include it in my list.

He gave that song to Courtney and Hole did it better. I can only think of it as a Hole song, now.
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2011 2:45 am

Howl wrote:
VisionValley wrote:
"Old Age" is amazing. I very much wanted to include it in my list.

He gave that song to Courtney and Hole did it better. I can only think of it as a Hole song, now.

There's so much wrong with that post, it's not even funny.
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2011 3:54 am

omgwtf wrote:
Howl wrote:
VisionValley wrote:
"Old Age" is amazing. I very much wanted to include it in my list.

He gave that song to Courtney and Hole did it better. I can only think of it as a Hole song, now.

There's so much wrong with that post, it's not even funny.

Why? It's easy for you to accuse me of being wrong, but where's your reasoning?

Kurt didn't even like 'Old Age'. He didn't bother to finish it. He had literally abandoned it when Courtney took an interest in it and started to develop it. He liked what she did and let her have it.

Have you even heard the Hole version? The only Nirvana version we have sounds like a half-assed pop song, where the singer couldn't even be bothered writing the lyrics so he just mumbled a vague tune. Courtney built it into a genuinely haunting piece of music. It's like stabbing yourself in the heart with a knife laced with LSD, whereas the Nirvana version is like grating a spoon over your ribs.

Don't get me wrong. Nirvana is my favourite band of all time. I'd sooner give up Black Rebel Motorcycle Club AND The Vines than even consider a life without Nirvana. I just think in this particular instance, Courtney did it better. Had Kurt further developed the song, I'm sure it would have been triumphant. Also, before you tear my head off, I do enjoy the Nirvana version. I just think the Hole version is a more complete, more emotional and more inspiring version.
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2011 4:29 am

Nirvana's version of Old Age is perfect just the way it is. There's nothing you could add to it that would've made it any better and Courtney certainly didn't add anything to it that wasn't already there before. Besides, if I wanted to listen to a band for their amazing lyrics, I'd pan on a bit of Joy Division, La Dispute or mewithoutYou. Nirvana were never about the lyrics. Infact, Kurt was only really interested in how words would sound when placed together. He was all about the melody, really. Nirvana's Old Age is so much easier to relate to, as well. After all, like you said, the words aren't very clear, so this allows you to interpret them which ever way you choose. Unlike the Hole version where Courtney's angst riddled, lack of self-esteme lyrics are thrown down your throat.
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2011 4:59 am

omgwtf wrote:
Nirvana's version of Old Age is perfect just the way it is. There's nothing you could add to it that would've made it any better and Courtney certainly didn't add anything to it that wasn't already there before. Besides, if I wanted to listen to a band for their amazing lyrics, I'd pan on a bit of Joy Division, La Dispute or mewithoutYou. Nirvana were never about the lyrics. Infact, Kurt was only really interested in how words would sound when placed together. He was all about the melody, really. Nirvana's Old Age is so much easier to relate to, as well. After all, like you said, the words aren't very clear, so this allows you to interpret them which ever way you choose. Unlike the Hole version where Courtney's angst riddled, lack of self-esteme lyrics are thrown down your throat.

...I didn't say it was about the lyrics. The only reason why I mentioned the lack of lyrics was to support the argument that he had abandoned the song. It's not about the words.

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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2011 7:49 am

Who would have thought one little comment could cause such a debate....i'm loving the discussion about "Old Age".

Just for the record, whilst both versions are amazing....I still have to go with the Nirvana version as being superior Smile

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The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 05, 2012 6:38 pm

OK, this will be short.


I only know

Smells Like Teen Spirit
Come As You Are
Where Did You Sleep Last Night?


the... oh, Lithium


I'm sure I know another.

I know of the existence of Heart-Shaped Box and remember the video very vividly - Krist with his purple pants - but the actual song...
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Craig's Angel

Craig's Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 07, 2012 9:55 pm

1-Lounge act
2-Pennyroyal Tea
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 11:02 pm

omgwtf wrote:
Howl wrote:
VisionValley wrote:
"Old Age" is amazing. I very much wanted to include it in my list.

He gave that song to Courtney and Hole did it better. I can only think of it as a Hole song, now.

There's so much wrong with that post, it's not even funny.

C'mon, both versions are incredible, but I have to agree with Howl,
Hole version it's better, but I don't think that it's a Hole song, I just recognize it as a cover.

Well, there goes my top 5.

1. Drain You
2. Lounge Act
3. Spank Thru
4. Aneurysm
5. Very Ape
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 16, 2012 4:52 am

Cobain's Old Age is better, the lyrics are different too.

I'm sure Cobain's verison of the entire hole live through this album is better as well but we'll never know as Courtney won't admit what input Kurt did have What a Face
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 5:14 am

ohwellwhatevernevermind wrote:
Cobain's Old Age is better, the lyrics are different too.

I'm sure Cobain's verison of the entire hole live through this album is better as well but we'll never know as Courtney won't admit what input Kurt did have What a Face

:/ Yes, she has. She's never denied that he had input in the album. The people who claim that Kurt wrote the whole thing don't seem to take into account that there are other people in Hole, aside from Courtney. Eric Erlandson, in particular, is an amazing guitarist and songwriter. Courtney has always admitted that Hole's writing process was very collaborative (Billy Corgan wrote half of their 3rd and 4th albums) and that Kurt definitely helped her. I fucking hate when people just make stupid assumptions about her based on nothing but total ignorance. Hole/Courtney made music BEFORE they met Kurt, and they continue making music when he was no longer around.
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2012 1:33 pm

Howl wrote:
ohwellwhatevernevermind wrote:
Cobain's Old Age is better, the lyrics are different too.

I'm sure Cobain's verison of the entire hole live through this album is better as well but we'll never know as Courtney won't admit what input Kurt did have What a Face

:/ Yes, she has. She's never denied that he had input in the album. The people who claim that Kurt wrote the whole thing don't seem to take into account that there are other people in Hole, aside from Courtney. Eric Erlandson, in particular, is an amazing guitarist and songwriter. Courtney has always admitted that Hole's writing process was very collaborative (Billy Corgan wrote half of their 3rd and 4th albums) and that Kurt definitely helped her. I fucking hate when people just make stupid assumptions about her based on nothing but total ignorance. Hole/Courtney made music BEFORE they met Kurt, and they continue making music when he was no longer around.

She may have been writing before and after she met Kurt, but her strongest material came out when they were together and that's not a coincidence, in my opinion.
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 4:43 pm

omgwtf wrote:
Howl wrote:
ohwellwhatevernevermind wrote:
Cobain's Old Age is better, the lyrics are different too.

I'm sure Cobain's verison of the entire hole live through this album is better as well but we'll never know as Courtney won't admit what input Kurt did have What a Face

:/ Yes, she has. She's never denied that he had input in the album. The people who claim that Kurt wrote the whole thing don't seem to take into account that there are other people in Hole, aside from Courtney. Eric Erlandson, in particular, is an amazing guitarist and songwriter. Courtney has always admitted that Hole's writing process was very collaborative (Billy Corgan wrote half of their 3rd and 4th albums) and that Kurt definitely helped her. I fucking hate when people just make stupid assumptions about her based on nothing but total ignorance. Hole/Courtney made music BEFORE they met Kurt, and they continue making music when he was no longer around.

She may have been writing before and after she met Kurt, but her strongest material came out when they were together and that's not a coincidence, in my opinion.

I'm not saying it's a coincidence. She openly admits that Kurt contributed to the album, and that is most likely the reason why it's their best. My issue is with the people who accuse her of "STEALING" Kurt's songs or denying that he contributed.
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 28, 2012 11:28 pm

Scoff, Breed, Stay Away, Heart shaped box, All Apologies.
I like a lot, but I choose these five.
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 9:40 pm

1) Aneurysm (one of the most energic songs)
2) Lithium
3) Lake of Fire (I know it's Meat Puppets' song but Kurt's version is amazing)
4) Sappy
5) Even in his Youth
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PostSubject: Re: Your top 5 Nirvana songs   Your top 5 Nirvana songs I_icon_minitime

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