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 Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror

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PostSubject: Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror   Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 27, 2012 11:50 pm

She is Gone has made it onto this compilation record. Andy Kent gives his two cents on Craig:
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PostSubject: Re: Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror   Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 12:09 am

For those of you having browser trouble, here's what the paragraph says:

The Vines – ‘She Is Gone’

AK: Craig Nicholls has the most incredible natural grasp of melody I have ever seen up close, and this song is just another of many examples of that. He has a way of putting together a really standard chord progression then singing the most amazing, unexpected vocal melody over the top to take it somewhere other worldly. Then he stacks on harmonies that blow your mind for a living. He is easily the most naturally talented, charismatic, exasperating and difficult person I’ve ever worked with, which is a heady cocktail. For everything else that has happened in his life, and all the grey hairs, broken knuckles and ulcers he has caused us, I’ll listen to The Vines music forever because I think it’s exceptionally great pop music.
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PostSubject: Re: Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror   Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2012 1:01 pm

... and for what it's worth, for those of you suffering from Vines withdrawal and looking for something to pass the time until you hear something more from Craig, the Neon album is very very worth listening to. Summer Rain might as well be written and sung by Craig....
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PostSubject: Re: Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror   Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 08, 2013 2:03 am

Very Happy I love reading these kinds of things about Craig. The music really does speak for itself, and I'm so happy that there are people that acknowledge his talents. I knew from the start of getting hooked on the Vines that I was listening to something very special, and they continue to be my favorite and most precious band.
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Koala Owl

Koala Owl

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PostSubject: Re: Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror   Ivy League's 15 year reign of terror I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 08, 2013 9:10 pm

thelivingvines wrote:
... and for what it's worth, for those of you suffering from Vines withdrawal and looking for something to pass the time until you hear something more from Craig, the Neon album is very very worth listening to. Summer Rain might as well be written and sung by Craig....

bounce Yeah, I have that Neon album. It really is very good from front to back. What happened to them? And yeah, Summer Rain is a great track. I really like A Man, Hit Me Again, Friend, & Dizziness to name a few rabbit

The Ivy League compilation is really good, and am so glad She Is Gone is on it cheers
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