(I am reposting this in its own separate post while it was included in the previous craig vines post...)
I also read online that he may have aspergers syndrome and that WOULD explain a lot of his antics and why no one can get along with him but knowing a little bit about the disorder ( i have taken some psych classes and watched the TV show parenthood where one of the main characters has the disorder) he seems pretty violent and aggressive for someone with the disorder, and if he TRULY had it how int eh world would he be able to tour concerts around the whole world, most who suffer from aspergers can barely hold a conversations let alone play a 2 hour long concert in front of thousands or millions of people....
but they also have the one obsession they are fixed upon and are OBSESSED with it, and Craig certainly has his passion and obsession with songwriting, and playing music and he has said once music has saved his life....