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 do any of you know Craig personally?

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Join date : 2011-11-06

do any of you know Craig personally? Empty
PostSubject: do any of you know Craig personally?   do any of you know Craig personally? I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 10:39 am

To whomever knows Craig personally, and can relay this to him, please tell him that I appreciate his artwork, and that his lyrics have helped me.

I find Craig's lyrics touching and I think he deserves to hear whenever somebody says that.

Also, I hope that if Craig still is smoking tobacco he can overcome that. I wish him only the best of health for as long as possible.

I am sure even though he is a rock star, like anybody else, he has daily struggles and problems. And I will pray for him and hope others do to.

I am sure also that many of his profound lyrics were written in the midst of personal sadness. So, Craig, I just want you to know that any pain you have felt in your life, is not without meaning.

I am happy for your success and for your gift for expressing yourself so wonderfully.

Thank you. Keep being good at what you do. You are a huge inspiration, and I will consider myself lucky if I ever get to meet you. Also, you should really consider talking to your fans on this forum once in a while, even if only dictated through someone else. It would mean a lot to us. Big rockers are people to, and I am sorry if everyone seems to want something from you, but it will be certainly worth your while to humor the people who care enough about your music to visit this forum.

Thank you!
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do any of you know Craig personally?
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