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 What's going thru your head right now??

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Craig's Angel
The Household Cat
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PostSubject: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 10:22 pm

(this in memory of the old thread)

missing missing missing the old Vines forum like hell :*(
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 10:55 pm

Rusty wrote:
(this in memory of the old thread)

missing missing missing the old Vines forum like hell :*(
I definitely agree. It's been my home since 2004. My 7 year anniversary would have been on November 18 this year.

A lot of stuff is going through my head at the moment.

Tomorrow: back to university.
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 11:02 pm

The Household Cat wrote:
Rusty wrote:
(this in memory of the old thread)

missing missing missing the old Vines forum like hell :*(
I definitely agree. It's been my home since 2004. My 7 year anniversary would have been on November 18 this year.

A lot of stuff is going through my head at the moment.

Tomorrow: back to university.
SALOME!! What's going thru your head right now?? Happy0044
I so want to hug you right now What's going thru your head right now?? Love0073
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 11:04 pm

Because I'm here?

Awwww, that's sweet.

Here, take a Keanu hug:

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lm0iamEwLm1qix4f2o1_400

I'm glad to see you, too. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 11:11 pm

The Household Cat wrote:
Because I'm here?

The Household Cat wrote:
Awwww, that's sweet.

Here, take a Keanu hug:

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lm0iamEwLm1qix4f2o1_400
omg this is so feckin cute, thaaaanks! Very Happy

Ohh, I feel better already Very Happy

The Household Cat wrote:
I'm glad to see you, too. Smile
What's going thru your head right now?? Happy0169
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 11:17 pm

Rusty wrote:
The Household Cat wrote:
Because I'm here?

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_ltj9f7pvTZ1r3ey8to2_250

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_ltfnibnMo31r3ey8to1_500

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lt4pn7mwzm1qipza9o12_r1_400
And some Anthony Hopkins.

Sooo... Anyone's thoughts on Thomas Newman?
alien alien alien alien alien alien alien
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 10:04 am

The Household Cat wrote:

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_ltj9f7pvTZ1r3ey8to2_250
the crew cut?! Oh no lol

Ah well, I suppose it's better than the beard Razz

The Household Cat wrote:
What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_ltfnibnMo31r3ey8to1_500
Aww, that's much better

The Household Cat wrote:
What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lt4pn7mwzm1qipza9o12_r1_400
And some Anthony Hopkins.
Hiya Anthony ;p
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 10:33 am

Rusty wrote:
The Household Cat wrote:

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_ltj9f7pvTZ1r3ey8to2_250
the crew cut?! Oh no lol

Ah well, I suppose it's better than the beard Razz

Do not. Offend. The beard.

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lo2op2iIgZ1qinxlho1_500

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_ll5useOhVG1qix4f2o1_500

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lidj0cCNQ11qhdlc6o1_500

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lmjyskwhr61qix4f2o1_500

I don't mind the crew cut that much now. I used to loathe it. Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 2:31 pm

The Household Cat wrote:


Do not. Offend. The beard.
lol sorrryyy Wink
but the only person in whom I can (sort of) tolerate the beard is Thom lol

The Household Cat wrote:
I don't mind the crew cut that much now. I used to loathe it. Laughing
Haha I'm not surprised ;p

What's going through my head?

thoughts of a breeze...
cool breeze
cool breeze over the mountains What's going thru your head right now?? Shifty
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 7:33 pm

Rusty wrote:
The Household Cat wrote:


Do not. Offend. The beard.
lol sorrryyy Wink
but the only person in whom I can (sort of) tolerate the beard is Thom lol
You have only made it worse.

You have just offended the Master of Beards. The King of Facial Hair. The God of Hobo. The first guy with a beard that I found attractive. The Lord of the Bow.

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lte319FK8U1qez45go2_250

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lsequ6ZdRE1qiw79ao1_500

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lr4rd6NFoH1qfhvabo1_500

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lo3sfqAua21qk1xt4o1_500

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lr4qy3SaN31qfhvabo1_400
Lol. Yes.

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_l19273FcmL1qa8hy3o1_400

I also have to include Jesus Jimmy.

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lqb0rvjyV01qfhvabo1_500

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lqc86cE8vB1qekzpqo1_500

It's creepy. The Yardbirds just came on Shuffle. Over Under Sideways Down.

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lrfb7wz5ea1qih787o1_500

And the Prince of Sideburns.

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lqkta45xKo1qi75gqo1_500

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_lq5vd0SkGO1qbn7cbo1_500

Oh yes, the other guy with great beards... Who I actually find more attractive with beards, to be honest:

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_ln0a27klWb1qhzj6ao1_500

Rusty wrote:

What's going through my head?

thoughts of a breeze...
cool breeze
cool breeze over the mountains What's going thru your head right now?? Shifty
Laughing I was almost expecting it.
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 9:34 pm

The Household Cat wrote:

You have only made it worse.

You have just offended the Master of Beards. The King of Facial Hair. The God of Hobo. The first guy with a beard that I found attractive. The Lord of the Bow.

But...but... I really don't like full facial hair, what can I do?? :S
Now a nice 5 o'clock shadow, ahhh... that's a different story Very Happy

"Jesus Jimmy"? LOOL priceless Very Happy
but he looks soo not right with that bea...OK, I'm going I'm going ;p

What's going thru your head right now?? Scared0018

The Household Cat wrote:
Laughing I was almost expecting it.
tee hee
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 2:12 am

OK, here's some non-facial hair Jimmy for you:

What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_ln6menbRTW1qfhvabo1_500
(I looked through my Tumblr tags for Jimmy Page and found this on PAGE 10. Lololol. I know, I'm absolutely hilarious. ^^)

Just came home from the movies. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 8:52 am

honestly? someone needs to break -his- nose right now, because i just can't stand it. i want to pull a dexter on him. wrap him up in plastic and torture him. not kill him. well, maybe do it to him, then save him. idk,

i'm just really upset that someone can't send a simple fucking text. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 9:29 am

gizziey_sykes wrote:

i'm just really upset that someone can't send a simple fucking text. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

Maybe he just can't... just talk to him whenever you get a chance to see him. Or try to call him, maybe he didn't get your text.

Only got less than 2 hours of sleep. Today's gonna be a long day... Sleep
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 9:52 am

freak wrote:
gizziey_sykes wrote:

i'm just really upset that someone can't send a simple fucking text. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

Maybe he just can't... just talk to him whenever you get a chance to see him. Or try to call him, maybe he didn't get your text.

i've been trying to text him for a month.
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 11:29 am

The Household Cat wrote:
OK, here's some non-facial hair Jimmy for you:
What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_ln6menbRTW1qfhvabo1_500
Now you're talking Very Happy
and whoa, this pic deserves some serious aww-ing, haha

The Household Cat wrote:
(I looked through my Tumblr tags for Jimmy Page and found this on PAGE 10. Lololol. I know, I'm absolutely hilarious. ^^)
lol ;p

The Household Cat wrote:
Just came home from the movies. Very Happy
seen anything interesting?
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 11:56 am

gizziey_sykes wrote:

i've been trying to text him for a month.

Oh... Neutral
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 12:24 pm

freak wrote:
gizziey_sykes wrote:

i've been trying to text him for a month.

Oh... Neutral

yeah... we've known each other for a year and a few months ago i told him how i felt... i thought shit was getting better, he was talking more, being more comfortable with me.. but then he says "i dont' want to lead you on" and then his actions were like he wanted to be with me. then he doesn't talk to me. like, he's done this before, not talk to me... it was about 3 months or so, when i told him i had my boobs pierced, he came back. now he's gone again. i swear, someone needs to set him fucking straight.
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 5:40 pm

Looks like we have a bot on board.
Damn unnerving
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 6:09 pm

I'm stressing about how I'm going to write up three gig reviews, six CD reviews and an interview... in three days... and by "three days", I mean three days that I'm working eleven hours a day. OH MAN!

I'm also pissed off that I can't sing like Alison Mosshart. I hope I never meet her, because I'd probably kill her out of jealously. SHE IS TOO COOL. Literally.
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2011 7:35 am

Rusty wrote:
Looks like we have a bot on board.
Damn unnerving

Shocked Where? *Puts on spam killing gloves.*
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2011 6:03 pm

Anysound wrote:
Rusty wrote:
Looks like we have a bot on board.
Damn unnerving

Shocked Where? *Puts on spam killing gloves.*
I saw two yesterday, they called themselves Google and bing lol
There was a similar problem on another phpBB forum, that Google thingy was constantly lurking there, heh
(they're not linked to any accounts though, it's just plain letters. Still, it's kinda scary, considering...)


and to think that I solemnly swore to myself never to move to the new forum when they were about to close down our old one What's going thru your head right now?? Rolleye0013
So much for going down with the ship, heh
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2011 5:19 am

Rusty wrote:
Anysound wrote:
Rusty wrote:
Looks like we have a bot on board.
Damn unnerving

Shocked Where? *Puts on spam killing gloves.*
I saw two yesterday, they called themselves Google and bing lol
There was a similar problem on another phpBB forum, that Google thingy was constantly lurking there, heh
(they're not linked to any accounts though, it's just plain letters. Still, it's kinda scary, considering...)


and to think that I solemnly swore to myself never to move to the new forum when they were about to close down our old one What's going thru your head right now?? Rolleye0013
So much for going down with the ship, heh

Neutral Yeaaah, well I haven't seen any yet so *fingers crossed*. I'll definitely keep an eye out though.

And hahah, awh, well I'm glad you didn't go down with the ship. ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2011 12:38 pm

Anysound wrote:
Rusty wrote:
Anysound wrote:
Rusty wrote:
Looks like we have a bot on board.
Damn unnerving

Shocked Where? *Puts on spam killing gloves.*
I saw two yesterday, they called themselves Google and bing lol
There was a similar problem on another phpBB forum, that Google thingy was constantly lurking there, heh
(they're not linked to any accounts though, it's just plain letters. Still, it's kinda scary, considering...)


and to think that I solemnly swore to myself never to move to the new forum when they were about to close down our old one What's going thru your head right now?? Rolleye0013
So much for going down with the ship, heh

Neutral Yeaaah, well I haven't seen any yet so *fingers crossed*. I'll definitely keep an eye out though.

And hahah, awh, well I'm glad you didn't go down with the ship. ^_^
I held out for exactly 4 (agonizing!!**) hours, and then I registered lol

**I'm not kiddin' Neutral

I saw that Google thingy again earlier today
It looks harmless** enough tho' (it's not like it can post anything, thank heavens)

**even sort of ornamental, as the letters are the genuine google colours lol
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The Household Cat

The Household Cat

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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2011 4:12 pm

Rusty wrote:
The Household Cat wrote:
OK, here's some non-facial hair Jimmy for you:
What's going thru your head right now?? Tumblr_ln6menbRTW1qfhvabo1_500
Now you're talking Very Happy
and whoa, this pic deserves some serious aww-ing, haha
It's my favourite picture of Jimmy. I love his hair. His clothes. The way he stands there... um... yes. ^^

Rusty wrote:

The Household Cat wrote:
Just came home from the movies. Very Happy
seen anything interesting?
"Weekend" by Andrew Haigh

Rusty wrote:

I held out for exactly 4 (agonizing!!**) hours, and then I registered lol

**I'm not kiddin' Neutral

I saw that Google thingy again earlier today
It looks harmless** enough tho' (it's not like it can post anything, thank heavens)

**even sort of ornamental, as the letters are the genuine google colours lol
I missed the moment the forum shut down. I noticed something odd was going on when I was there and thought... Mmmhhhh... It took me about five minutes to think that probably the whole forum was closed. So, I had to figure. ^^
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PostSubject: Re: What's going thru your head right now??   What's going thru your head right now?? I_icon_minitime

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