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 The Vines on Vinyl

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Join date : 2011-11-05
Age : 37

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PostSubject: The Vines on Vinyl   The Vines on Vinyl I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 21, 2014 11:21 pm

I know this has been brought up before, but I just consider it such a shame that Melodia and Future Primitive didn't get released on vinyl. Does anyone know if it would be possible to get these albums pressed on vinyl, or if the different labels that represented the albums would make it difficult to make it happen? I'm sure if they were to press a couple thousand of each, there would be enough hardcore fans that would scoop them all up!!!

I'd also love to see the other, older albums get a bit of a boost in availability. I do own Highly Evolved and Winning Days, but by luck with both. I got them both within the last few years, and here's how

Highly Evolved - In probably 2010, I was in Bullmoose music in Salem, NH, and came across a copy of the album with a slightly bent corner. At first I was like aw man," if this wasn't bent they'd have a purchase right here", and walked away. I then realized that this record most likely was sitting in the back room for 8 years and just got found and put out, and how rare it was to find a new copy for $20, regardless of its non mint sleeve. Lucky me on that one.

Winning Days - I used to get lots of record catalogues in the mail, with a list of the records they had available. The lists weren't usually updated, because every time I ordered Winning Days, it didn't come in and I got an explanation with the receipt. Evenutally I tracked a copy down for something like $16.

It shouldn't be this hard to buy vinyl copies of ANYTHING in this day and age. Thanks to Jack White and many other vinyl enthusiasts, the format is back. I'd love to see The Vines have their albums readily available to buy on vinyl.

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Koala Owl

Koala Owl

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PostSubject: Re: The Vines on Vinyl   The Vines on Vinyl I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 22, 2014 6:07 pm

I love my Vision Valley vinyl! It looks like its hard to get now! I have a couple of 7 " as well (winning days, ride) that came with white the vines sew-on patches.

Sometimes vinyl editions are re-pressed years later on, right? So we can hold onto a lil bit of hope for our Melodia and Future primitive? santa

cyclops cyclops cyclops
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Posts : 46
Join date : 2011-11-05
Age : 37

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PostSubject: Re: The Vines on Vinyl   The Vines on Vinyl I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 22, 2014 8:12 pm

Koala Owl wrote:
I love my Vision Valley vinyl! It looks like its hard to get now! I have a couple of 7 " as well (winning days, ride) that came with white the vines sew-on patches.

Sometimes vinyl editions are re-pressed years later on, right? So we can hold onto a lil bit of hope for our Melodia and Future primitive? santa

cyclops cyclops cyclops

There's hope for anything I suppose, but it's such an obscure thing that it would really take some demand to make it happen. It's not like we're talking about The Beatles remasters here, we're talking about two albums that weren't successful by a band that isn't extremely well known!

But I mean, hope, there's always hope
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PostSubject: Re: The Vines on Vinyl   The Vines on Vinyl I_icon_minitime

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