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 Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year

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Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 6:25 am

Jessica wrote:
Kitty wrote:

Also, we have to try and beat Short Stack and their army of fangirls.

The main reason I'm doing this isn't just because I love the band and want them to win... IT'S TO TAKE DOWN THOSE GOD DAMN SHORT STACK FANS. :twisted:

hahahahahah :shifty:

Who the fuck are those cunts of Short Stack? Another thing to hate. BTW I hate Man utd. so much. I'm a Citizen. Well, I'm voting without clicking the legal button. And telling me brother to do it. And voting fro México, ok that's irrelevant. But after school, I pay an hour in those Ciber-cafés to vote them. All fucking time.
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 9:12 am

Kitty wrote:

Also, we have to try and beat Short Stack and their army of fangirls.

Jessica wrote:

The main reason I'm doing this isn't just because I love the band and want them to win... IT'S TO TAKE DOWN THOSE GOD DAMN SHORT STACK FANS. Twisted Evil

hahahahahah Shifty

anaobrad wrote:

god yes, I am so adamant that we kick their ass. couldn't believe it when they won last year..... Mad

This! All this! I can't explain how much Short Stack annoy me. Evil or Very Mad They're so stuck up and arrogant and their talent is not worth their following. I thought my hate for them was biased and that I was just being an immature young girl and so when this video appeared in my subscriptions box on YouTube I decided to watch it and give them another chance but nooope, turns out they're still idiots/ I still don't like them. Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 9:25 am

Anysound wrote:
This! All this! I can't explain how much Short Stack annoy me. Evil or Very Mad They're so stuck up and arrogant and their talent is not worth their following. I thought my hate for them was biased and that I was just being an immature young girl and so when this video appeared in my subscriptions box on YouTube I decided to watch it and give them another chance but nooope, turns out they're still idiots/ I still don't like them. Rolling Eyes

hahahahahahahahahaahahha holy crap, i can't believe they actually take themselves seriously HA

edit: oh wow, you got me looking through a bunch of videos on youtube about them, and i found this:

i can't stop laughing, I love how even the people who had to give short stack the award last year hate them
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 9:37 am

anaobrad wrote:
hahahahahahahahahaahahha holy crap, i can't believe they actually take themselves seriously HA

edit: oh wow, you got me looking through a bunch of videos on youtube about them, and i found this:

i can't stop laughing, I love how even the people who had to give short stack the award last year hate them

I know, they could at least stop acting like they're the best band in the world.
Hahah, I hadn't even heard of that plagarism thing before, wow.


Anyway, getting a bit off topic and need to even out the awesomeness of this thread by saying:

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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 04, 2011 12:47 am

anaobrad wrote:
Anysound wrote:
This! All this! I can't explain how much Short Stack annoy me. Evil or Very Mad They're so stuck up and arrogant and their talent is not worth their following. I thought my hate for them was biased and that I was just being an immature young girl and so when this video appeared in my subscriptions box on YouTube I decided to watch it and give them another chance but nooope, turns out they're still idiots/ I still don't like them. Rolling Eyes

hahahahahahahahahaahahha holy crap, i can't believe they actually take themselves seriously HA

edit: oh wow, you got me looking through a bunch of videos on youtube about them, and i found this:

i can't stop laughing, I love how even the people who had to give short stack the award last year hate them

I've just remembered when I made a Short Stack Sucks thread on the old forum. Memories.
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 04, 2011 11:52 am

Top 10 tomorrow bounce
They're gonna make it.
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 04, 2011 12:35 pm

freak wrote:
Top 10 tomorrow bounce
They're gonna make it.

Fingers and toes.
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 04, 2011 2:30 pm

Kitty wrote:
I've just remembered when I made a Short Stack Sucks thread on the old forum. Memories.

Hahah. :') I remember the time I got really angry because I saw these two pictures of both Short Stack and the Vines at some awards ceremony and Short Stack had 50 billion teen fans hanging off the barriers trying to reach them on the red carpet and the Vines only had a select few. Mad I got really mad and posted them on my Bebo (haah, back in the day) and asked how it was fair there was such a large gap between the two bands' numbers of fans. Most people agreed it was ridiculous. ^_^ heh.


So excited to find out if they made it! Very Happy I'm sure they did and then we can get back to voting again. cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 2:21 am

I CAN'T SEE THEM IN THE LIST. Shocked No no no. Does this mean they've been eliminated?! But it says "13 days left to vote for the top 10", so maybe the bands who you can still vote for are the bottom 10 who still need voting? Neutral

I need to know! If they haven't made it, I'm going to be so sad. Sad

Edit: I just saw, it has a partially blacked out picture of them and it says "Eliminated" over the top. Noooo. ;_;
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 2:28 am

Anysound wrote:
I CAN'T SEE THEM IN THE LIST. Shocked No no no. Does this mean they've been eliminated?! But it says "13 days left to vote for the top 10", so maybe the bands who you can still vote for are the bottom 10 who still need voting? Neutral

I need to know! If they haven't made it, I'm going to be so sad. Sad

They got eliminated Crying or Very sad Mad

But still, it was still impressive of how far they come before being eliminated.

Also, damn you Short Stack *shakes fist to the heavens*
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 2:40 am

Kitty wrote:
They got eliminated Crying or Very sad Mad

But still, it was still impressive of how far they come before being eliminated.

Also, damn you Short Stack *shakes fist to the heavens*

I just saw. >_< And yeah, but still... does this country not know music?! They should - deserve to- be number 1! Mad

And hahah, yeah. :/
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 3:03 am

Anysound wrote:
Kitty wrote:
They got eliminated Crying or Very sad Mad

But still, it was still impressive of how far they come before being eliminated.

Also, damn you Short Stack *shakes fist to the heavens*

I just saw. >_< And yeah, but still... does this country not know music?! They should - deserve to- be number 1! Mad

And hahah, yeah. :/

Making a 'Short Stack Sucks' thread seems like a really good idea right now.
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 3:37 am

Kitty wrote:

They got eliminated Crying or Very sad Mad

F! Frustration
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 4:45 am

never mind

the vines are still the BEST band

channel v? hahha
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 6:04 am


Damn you Channel V, damn you! Frustration
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 6:29 am

Jessica wrote:

Damn you Channel V, damn you! :frus:

Ah que su puta madre de los del V. Chingada madre... coño. ¿cómo cojones pasó?
Mother of su puta madre.
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 9:31 am

ahhhhhhh the disappointment when I woke up and checked who got through...............I'd really thought they'd be up there :-(
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 11:50 am

Has anyone seen that Brady Episode where Mikey tries to win at something because never did before and never has any trophies and in the end the Bradys give him a special trophy? We should make a trophy for The Vines and give it to them.
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2011 7:47 pm

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! Evil or Very Mad Frustration scratch
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 2:17 am

Nooooooooo Frustration I really thought they were going to make it, nevermind we know they're the best without winning any prize Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 5:02 am

But there's always next year, if they release their 6th album then.
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 5:24 am

The Vines are undeniably my favourite Australian band. They're my second favourite band in general.... but I did not vote for them. Am I a bad person? I just don't believe in all this kind of bullshit. I know the whole point is that they get more exposure and people start taking an interest in the band again, but I'd prefer that to happen through the quality of their music and live performances, rather than some bullshit television poll, the outcome of which is determined mostly by pathetic 13 year old girls who are basing their votes on shagability. The Vines are better than that.

...maybe I am selfish, though.
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 11:07 am

Howl wrote:
The Vines are undeniably my favourite Australian band. They're my second favourite band in general.... but I did not vote for them. Am I a bad person? I just don't believe in all this kind of bullshit. I know the whole point is that they get more exposure and people start taking an interest in the band again, but I'd prefer that to happen through the quality of their music and live performances, rather than some bullshit television poll, the outcome of which is determined mostly by pathetic 13 year old girls who are basing their votes on shagability. The Vines are better than that.

...maybe I am selfish, though.

Yeah, I may be "bullshit" but I think most of us voting were simply doing it as a form of showing our appreciation for the band in anyway we can. They get so little media exposure and can't tour as much as much as most bands, so while those are all legitimate points, I think having The Vines win, or come close to winning, wouldn't have been in any way detrimental. (Especially if it meant beating Short Stack Wink )
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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 11:29 am

Howl wrote:
The Vines are undeniably my favourite Australian band. They're my second favourite band in general.... but I did not vote for them. Am I a bad person?
YES!!!Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 Fighting0025

haha kiddin' Wink

Howl wrote:
... shagability
loool priceless

anaobrad wrote:

Yeah, I may be "bullshit" but I think most of us voting were simply doing it as a form of showing our appreciation for the band in anyway we can. They get so little media exposure and can't tour as much as much as most bands, so while those are all legitimate points, I think having The Vines win, or come close to winning, wouldn't have been in any way detrimental. (Especially if it meant beating Short Stack Wink )

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PostSubject: Re: Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year   Vote The Vines for Channel [V] Oz Artist of the Year - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 06, 2011 11:52 am

anaobrad wrote:
Howl wrote:
The Vines are undeniably my favourite Australian band. They're my second favourite band in general.... but I did not vote for them. Am I a bad person? I just don't believe in all this kind of bullshit. I know the whole point is that they get more exposure and people start taking an interest in the band again, but I'd prefer that to happen through the quality of their music and live performances, rather than some bullshit television poll, the outcome of which is determined mostly by pathetic 13 year old girls who are basing their votes on shagability. The Vines are better than that.

...maybe I am selfish, though.

Yeah, I may be "bullshit" but I think most of us voting were simply doing it as a form of showing our appreciation for the band in anyway we can. They get so little media exposure and can't tour as much as much as most bands, so while those are all legitimate points, I think having The Vines win, or come close to winning, wouldn't have been in any way detrimental. (Especially if it meant beating Short Stack Wink )

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